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Bids Due in 6 days
1/27/25 2:00pm
Olive Branch Corporate Hangar
Bids Due in 6 days
TriCore Builders, Inc.
8000 Terminal Drive, Olive Branch, Mississippi 38654
The Project consists of pre-engineered metal building hangar, concrete apron pavement, and associated utilities. (100x100 or 120x100).
Bidding Closed
8/12/24 2:00pm
Olive Branch Public Works Complex
Bidding Closed
TriCore Builders, Inc.
Olive Branch, MS
The project consists of the installation of a new public works facility in the City of Olive Branch MS.
Bidding Closed
7/9/24 2:00pm
West Tennessee State Veterans Cemetery Gravesite Improvements
Bidding Closed
TriCore Builders, Inc.
Bidding Closed
4/8/24 5:00pm
Horn-Lake Animal Shelter
Bidding Closed
TriCore Builders, Inc.
Horn Lake, MS
New construction of animal shelter facility and other Work indicated in the Contract Documents.
Bidding Closed
12/13/23 2:00pm
Sultana Disaster Museum
Bidding Closed
TriCore Builders, Inc.
Marion, Arkansas
The Project consists of the alteration and addition of new location for Sultana Disaster Museum
Bidding Closed
4/5/23 12:00pm
MPD Training Academy Classroom Addition
Bidding Closed
TriCore Builders, Inc.
4517 Academy Dr., Memphis, TN 38127
Project consists of: Construction of a new Classroom addition to the Memphis Police Department Training Academy located at 4517 Academy Drive. Project is type VB construction, approx. 3,050 sq. ft. and sprinklered.
Bidding Closed
1/31/23 2:00pm
Lewisburg High School Band Room Addition
Bidding Closed
TriCore Builders, Inc.
1755 Craft Road, Olive Branch, MS 38654
The project consists of constructing a new 5,700 SF Band Hall addition attached to the existing school building. The new facility will include all associated site work which includes grading, paving, drainage, utilities, and other related work as shown on the drawings and/or described in the specifications.
Bidding Closed
1/12/23 2:00pm
Bartlett Police Dept. Dispatch Facility
Bidding Closed
TriCore Builders, Inc.
Bartlett, TN
The Project consists of the construction of a new one story PSAP building. This includes dispatch/call center, conference room, break room, offices, storage and server/IT room. This project also includes exterior site and utility work.